Tuesday, February 22, 2011

When good art goes WRONG

I have been wanting to post these picture for awhile.
I have been hanging onto them for the perfect day.
I figured the time had come.
After all it is February
--the month of LUV.
What screams love more than a cute cherub.

I love how they strategically placed his drape as to be a modest cherub. After all you don't want a porno cherub hanging in the house. Then this also bears the question: "Are they male? Female? Or are cherubs a sexual?" Inquiring minds want to know---or, at least i do now that i am writing this.

Now, I don't really think that this is a really cute cherub. I recently saw this on a lovely (tongue in cheek) piece of art work. I had to get real close to the picture to actually see what it was. I was intrigued. Oh the lovely artwork it was...The cherub was dimensional, as to stand out.

Then you had these lovely working,
yes, I said WORKING lights in the picture

I mean it is not everyday that your wall art also double as a night light.
Or maybe,
it was MOOD lighting.
After all, a cherub with mood lighting?
Who wouldn't be in the mood with this lovely piece of ART
(Have you noticed that i continue to say lovely?
I think i need to pull out the thesaurus,
and yes, i am using that word lovely loosely)
hanging above their couch.
Well there it is folks. That little blob in the middle--on the top of the fountain is the dimensional cherub. Why? Oh WhY, did i not find the money in my purse to pick up this lovely (there is the word again) maybe i should say interesting art piece....well, we will just leave it at that.

Scary part is...someone did buy it.
Personally, I am hoping this was a one of a kind.

NEVER to be duplicated again
just too much blue for me.....

Thursday, February 17, 2011

My charmer

My fourth child has always been a charmer.

Maybe it is the dimples on his cheek and his BEE-UTE-IFUL blue/green eyes
This has always been one of my most favorite pictures of this punk.
Perhaps it is his fun personality,
or his guns he likes to show off
(how many boys do you know that can pull off pink sequence?)
Or his ability to rock the "gangsta' look"

He loves little kids--including his own brother

Today found me with a horrible headache after a long day at work. I came in and crashed on the couch. My son had just started a movie on Netflix--TRON--not exactly what i had in mind to decompress to. I looked around the room and it looked like a bomb had gone off. Seeing my son just vegging there I started a conversation with him, and this is how it went

Me: have you done anything around the house today?
(knowing full well that NOTHING had been done)

Son: "mommy, have i told you how much i love you"
(batting his long eyelashes and flashing me a grin)

me:( Ignoring his attempt to sway me)
"Like i asked before. Have you done anything today?"

Son: "But you are the best mommy,
(said in the most condescending,
sickening sweet voice
a 14 year old boy could muster up)

Me: "It would be nice if you would do something to show me that you love me"
(me, thinking the "showing" would involve a chore of some kind)

Son: (Reaches over and gives me a KISS???)
"That is showing you, or would you prefer a hug instead?"
(this coming from my child who runs the other direction when i try to elicit a hug)

I caved
--melted as it were.
--gave in, or better yet gave up.
If he is gonna to go to that extreme to get out of doing a job who am i to argue?
And quite honestly i just didn't have it in me anyway.

Who knew that under those beautiful eyes,
dimples, and the hat held a devious mastermind.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Keeping my kids on their toes

Since today is February 14Th, Valentines Day, perhaps I should start out this blog entry by wishing you and those you love a happy day.
But i won't.
I am not a fan, big or otherwise of this Hallmark Holiday.
I am the bah humbug, scrooge of Valentines day.
It is not that I was ever spurned on the Holiday, or that those I love didn't show me proper appreciation on that particular day. It is actually the opposite. My attitude has always been that if you need a specific day/holiday to remind you to show your love, is it really real? I have seen husbands and wives upset over this day because they felt slighted by their love. I have single friends that feel this is a day to remind them that they are single. So I have boycotted this overpriced, over commercialized, heart and flower day for many years.

Early on in my relationship with the hubsters we agreed NOT to do anything on this particular date--instead opting for the random acts of love/thoughtfulness throughout the year. He was NOT to buy me overpriced flowers on Valentines--instead choosing to buy them randomly at various times during the year, "just because". This has worked for us. We save a ton of money and don't feel like we have been scalped by those taking financial advantage of this particular day. We also take each other out for a bite to eat "just because"--instead of fighting for reservations at a particular restaurant on a "holiday". We leave all that stuff up to the real romantics--which i am decidedly NOT one. I am just to pragmatic...too low maintenance to allow a holiday to get my knickers in a wad over how I am shown that I am loved on that one particular day. In my mind it is the 364 days prior that really count.

Now that i have told you how i really feel about this day, let me get to the real reason behind this blog post.


Yes, this is about my children and their knowledge of how I view this particular day. In some ways I fear have doomed them! What if they find and marry someone who has a different belief about the day? Someone who views this day as important? I can see some of them being in the proverbial doghouse for my belief...the belief they have been raised with. My children know about my feelings about this particular day. In their mind i have become
Being their mom and having lived with me ALL their lives they think they know what makes me tick. You can imagine their surprise when i actually broke down and decorated for this loathed holiday.

It wasn't just one child that i had wondering what i was doing,
It was all of them.
Or at least the four that can actually verbalize their shock and awe.
As i was making this cute wreath on night my oldest son asked what I was making. (I had made the LOVE blocks earlier with my girlfriend and she had a cute wreath like this hanging up as well, and of course i needed one to complete my look)
I told him. He then asked if i felt OK. "Why yes" I responded. "Why do you ask?" "Well Mom. I know you HATE Valentines day and am wondering WHY you are making a wreath for it?" I just sort of laughed it off.

Then my oldest daughter made the comment to my husband that she thought i was having a mid life crisis? He asked her why? She responded "Because Mom is decorating for Valentines Day" We had a pretty good laugh about that. When i asked her about it she just shook her head. She just doesn't get it. Just when they thought they knew me and what made me tick.

I totally have thrown my children for a loop

--I have them off guard wondering?

What they don't get is that i needed a creative outlet
and despite my dislike for the holiday, i do love to decorate.

I don't dislike the idea of LOVE
--I love LOVE.
(especially when it turns out as cute as this covered in old buttons)

LOVE is what makes the world go round.
LOVE is important.

We all need to know we are loved.
--maybe that is why I DON'T NEED Valentines Day.
I know I am loved.
I am secure in that knowledge.With that being said, it doesn't hurt to be reminded to show your love. I guess maybe Valentines day is a good thing for some...those that need the reminder. For me I will be content to just put up the cute decorations and hope that it rubs off on those around me.

I do love them

and more than anything
i LOVE keeping them on their toes.
P.S. It was a good thing that i took pictures of my shelf when i did, because I woke up the next day to find it all over the couch--somehow one of my brackets on my shelf came loose--don't ya just LOVE when things break :)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Note to GOD

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thought i would drop you a note in case you have been too busy to hear me lately. I have always found a bit of irony when teams sit down and pray before a game that they will win. What if the other team is praying for the same thing as well? Does it come down to who God loves best?--cuz i have always been taught that you love all of your children. Do you have favorites?--or do you base your answer to the prayer on who is being the most obedient to your commandments at the time? I have found myself praying the prayer of success the last few days...Not so much a prayer against the opponent...but a prayer for strength, and the desire to win. That my son can do his best. It is hard being the mom. Watching your child work so hard at their goals... You want your kids to succeed and to do their best. Heavenly Father, I am sure you are torn with the same emotions. Does it come down to your will or the preparation prior to the event? I find that those simple prayers I have uttered in my sons behalf are more for me--calming my nerves that I will be OK with the outcome--but Heavenly Father, if it is YOUR will, can you please let him WIN? We need a win in our lives these days.
I would really appreciate any help you can give us/me in this matter.
Thanks for listening.
Your most grateful daughter

P.S. Not to be greedy and want all of your help and blessings but if you could please see a way for my hubby to find a job i would REALLY LOVE that

Monday, February 7, 2011


re·entry or re-entry re-en′try (rē en′trē)
noun pl. reentries -·tries
1. a reentering; specif., a coming back, as of a space vehicle, into the earth's atmosphere, the act of entering again
2. a second or repeated entry; the act of going back to a prior location

Reach for the moon,
'cause even if you miss
you land among the stars

So today i felt like i was coming in from outer-space. I have been orbiting around my life and it is time to make some changes--a re-entry of sort into my life and the direction i want it to go. Who knows i might crash and burn but then again experience counts for something..Right?

For a number of years I have been toying with the idea of returning to school and getting a nursing degree. When i finally had this life changing epiphany it was after my last baby was born. It had only taken me thirty two years to figure out what i wanted to be when i grew up. Then life sorta got in the way. My goal was to get my butt back into school when little man turned one (he is now nine). That was about the time when we were finding out there were some issues with him. He became my full time job between working part time, remodeling a kitchen, being a mom and dealing with four other children. The timing just wasn't right. Goals were postponed and life got busy. Having five kids/teenagers has the tendency to do that. I figured i would go back when he got into school. Time just kept marching on and it didn't happen. I found myself on auto pilot dealing with the daily needs. It is hard to get back into school when you have been out for so long.

Today found me picking up my oldest from college. She has recently decided that she wants to go into nursing. That has become a happy coincidence for me. In trying to move her in the right direction it has gotten me thinking. There was a meeting that she/I needed to attend to get more information about the nursing program. We have been throwing around the idea of when to go--and today was the day. It was fun walking the campus with the daughter. It certainly had changed a TON since i walked it 20+ years ago. Thank goodness i had my own personal tour guide to show me the way. We went to the meeting which was great. I found out that my math that I took 20+ years ago was still applicable and I could count it--YIPEE.

After the meeting we went off to the advisory office to get my student #. We spoke with the advisor and then we were off to the the testing center. After all these years I had actually never taken the entrance tests to see what i was capable of. We asked how long the test would take and were told it would take a few hours. I decided to go ahead and give it a whirl. Why not? I had the afternoon off. My daughter bid me farewell and I told her i would call her when i was done.

First lets just say when I started on this college road many years ago we didn't have things like, "the Internet". We had barely gotten our first computer and lets be honest, it really was more like a glorified (albeit expensive) word processor. When you did a research paper you actually had to do research...in a library. Things have changed just a bit since then. The test i was taking today was on the computer--and i will be honest in saying that i missed coloring in the little circles--there is something satisfying and cathartic about staying in the lines and seeing the pattern the little circles would make. --Let me divert here for a moment. When I would have to take those standardized tests in Junior High there would come a point where i would get bored, and knowing that those tests didn't really count, i would fill in the dots randomly to make pictures. Somehow i was a pretty good {{guesser}} because i seemed to do well enough even with my questionable strategies. Seeing how this was on the computer today and there were no dots or pictures to distract me it had my full attention. I couldn't even go back and re-check my answers. Once i hit "accept" that was it. It was out into cyber space. I found that i actually had to really concentrate and read some of the things out loud to completely comprehend what i was reading. I have gotten into the habit of skim reading things over the years and I didn't think that would work here. I actually took the time and cared about this test. I felt pretty good about it when all was said and done.

Then came the math portion. I thought how hard can it be--I was WRONG. It is not like getting back on a bike--I had forgotten more than i remembered. I ask you...What is the point of mixing the alphabet and numbers? Who's idea was that? I know it used to make sense but as i started taking the test I knew it was not going to be pretty. Maybe i should have reviewed a bit before i sat down to attempt this. What happened to adding and subtracting? Maybe even throw in some multiplication and division--but NO. Instead they tortured me with....I pretty much could not remember much of anything. Can we say "Houston,we have a problem." I know I did well on the word problems--because that is the kind of math i do these days. Or if they had asked me how much tax is on a $20. item--or perhaps how much it would cost if it was 65% off. I like those kind of math problems. I am good at those kinds of math problems--but alas they wanted me to figure out what these little letters meant and my brain just was not having it. I could not pull it from the archives to remember for anything--so i pretty much resorted to hitting the button that was the equivalent of "I am clueless". It was either that or have my brain explode.

When i finished the test i came out. The girl at the desk asked me how I did. "Horrible on the math" I responded, all the while thinking "crash and burn". She proceeded to tell me that was what most people said and usually they did fine. I told her that was not my case--I knew i had blown it--burned up on re-entry. Now please remember that i have already taken college algebra and passed it when i tell you my grade...
I got a 17.
Yes, you read that correct.
A 17.
Now that is not a 17 out of 20.
That would mean it was a good grade-
instead it is a 17 out of 100!
Can you say PAH-Thet-ICK
(that is pathetic only exaggerated a bit more)
All i could do is laugh. She told me that i would need to take Basic Arithmetic--MAT081. Yeah?? I don't think so. I can retake the test and if i need to take more math i will do some refresher problems before i attempt that again. English and Reading turned out MUCH better. I had test scores i was proud of--one i could hold my head up high on. I actually tested out of reading and my sentence skills I scored 114/120. Not so bad. She told me that i could actually take HONORS English.
What is the point of that?
I soon learned that if you take honors you can actually get money for that class--
HMMMM.... something to think about.
Might actually make the work worth it.

I can't begin to tell you how excited i am about this big step i took today. I know i have a long road in front of me but the fact I actually have started the process thrills me. I might crash and burn on my re-entry, but i hope that my lifes experience will play in my favor. When i thought about how long this path will take me, it sorta made me discouraged at how old i will be when i finally finish. But guess what?--I will be that age whether i try to do this or not...so what do i have to lose?

“It is never easy to keep reaching for dreams.
Strength and courage can sometimes be lonely friends.
But those who do reach the stars,
walk in stardust.”

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What makes my heart weak

Please bear with me while i get a bit mushy--
if you know me at all you know this is not normal for me
but seeing how it is February and all...
I don't tell or show my hubby near enough that i LOVE him...
but I do.
Sometimes we get so busy with life that we just go on auto pilot and take each other for granted.
We know each other so well and what makes each other tick.
We are alike in so many ways and yet so different
He makes me crazy sometimes--

He is HOT!

I mean that in the most literal sense of the word--he is like sleeping next to my own personal heating pad--which most days is just too HOT for me especially when we live in AZ.
He likes to sing random songs to me (sometimes)
He loves sports--all sports.
He loves to swing--golf clubs that is.
He likes to ponder before he speaks
He LOVES sushi and eating with chopsticks
He is quite the accomplished cook and has managed to keep me FAT and Happy--
but when he surprised me today and cleaned our room,
and put fresh sheets on the bed, and hung up my pile of skirts.
Never has my heart pittered pattered more for this man

After 23 years of marriage he can still manage to surprise me.
Can i just say this is far better than a box of chocolates
or a vase of flowers!