Sunday, April 19, 2009

new responsibility

Recently i got a new calling at church--
I am now holding the position of Activity Chairman
Been there,done that....
with this new calling comes responsibility--
I really don't want to be responsible
at least not hold all the responsibility--
i don't mind being the Indian, instead of the chief....
in fact these days i would prefer it
but alas i am now the party planner of the ward.
It is not enough to be in charge of the social functions
i now have to go to ward council...
which meant no sleeping in this morning....
Sometimes there are real dis-advantages to being a Chief
and as far as i am concerned this is one of them....

1 comment:

OK said...

You will be great. You just seem like a party animal! Always having fun, and new adventures. I am glad your ward will get to benefit from your talents! Sounds like fun to me!