Friday, July 25, 2008

Pictures you don't see every day

What? Too many shakes?

Looks like UPS wins!!!

Oh, come on... just one?

starting with spelling .

I think it was the FedEx driver

I bet this is by the school that teaches Arithetic

Sometimes a name change is the best idea...

Take me to the cleaners, baby!

Major dilemma in California .

How do you get there from here?

Everything you need for your 'shotgun' wedding!

It's a good deal, but... oh, the college costs! ???

McLogic gone wrong...

Pork the one you love?

Still Dead, Huh??? Go Figure...


'Mass suicides...Cows going over the edge...

tonight on Channel 3 News...'

Good Job!!

Load 'em up with burritos, Mom!!

I'm Confused...

How the heck can I write if I'm ILLITERATE!!!!

I can't even comment on this one

Beautiful, lush lawns of dirt...must be somewhere in AZ

Speling iz knot imprtunt fir astranawts

Make up your mind!!!

Don't drink and make signs...

thanks for sharing Connie--afterall a picture is worth a thousand words--or atleast a good laugh

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