“Live and work
Eileen Caddy
my daily rantings--or perhaps raves of me and my families life. Life is SO daily and whether you want it to or not----LIFE HAPPENS
while the hubby was surprised about his Zune,
it was really the DVD's of Leave it to Beaver that thrilled him. Hard to believe but I am being serious here...
but that is not what this blog post is about.
It is about the fact that when everything had been opened and a game of Mario cart had been played on the 32 inch TV
They seem innocent enough. Mild mannered until you need them to show their feat of strength by being able to crush some nut with their jaws of death. I have never actually used a nutcracker for this purpose--see i thought our nut crackers were lovers not fighters. I mean look, one even cooked me a turkey and i think the other one was standing guard to make sure everyone used their manners and did not rush him, at least that was what i thought till i looked closer.
Notice the sword that is missing from his hands? Originally i thought he had put it away--being the peace lover and all--until i glanced over at my turkey bearing friend.
I was appalled, mortified! Sometime during the holidays they had gotten upset with one another and the poor chef ended up with the sword in his throat.....
Oh, the inhumanity of it all--what could have possible happened to provoke this kind of behavior? Maybe he told the soldier that he wasn't going to share his turkey---I have heard that nutcrackers can be like that sometimes. Maybe they were arguing about the size of nuts they could crack and tempers got heated....
I mean he never even uttered a word or scream of discomfort. All the while standing in silence,not that he could have screamed it he wanted too--after all he did have a sword in his mouth....
And there stood his table mate--
looking on--
not even blinking an eye,
with that fierce look painted on his face....
Let it be known by this example that not all nutcrackers can live in peace and harmony--
I can only imagine what happens on those mantels that are full of them.....
I picked the last one, after all it is the Christmas season and there was shopping to be done. I figured it would be a good day at the mall thinking it wouldn't be too busy and the crowds would be small--so as to have fewer people to irritate me. I was right about it not being very busy--but that had it's drawback as well. Since i was one of a few people shopping--everyone wanted to help me.! How did i get to be so lucky?
Could they not see by the lack of eye contact--
or feel the cold shoulder i was giving them--that i did not want to talked to, let alone helped?
What about the "NO i don't want what you are selling" that was coming out of my mouth?
I felt like prey that was being pounced on.
"Yes, I keep my nails natural--no i don't want you to look at them.....I don't want your cell phone service....Do i look like i want to curl my hair?" "Hey lady....massage for you (say this in your best Asian accent) Relax you lots...Layyydieee....." And while i probably would/could have benefited from the massage or the aromatherapy pad thing-ies that they were trying to sell me--I really did want to be left alone--to stew. Just because i was in public did not mean i wanted to be a part of them. I did find a few things--for me?--nothing like a new RED purse to put you in the holiday spirit--and maybe some new sheets. The worst part of shopping when you are ticked at people is that you really are not in the mood to be generous and buy for them--so i didn't buy a whole lot--which means i get to go another day. The problem with that is... I will start out in a good mood and shopping a Christmas time can quickly change that...next time when i want the help they will all be too busy to give it. A girl just can't win.
While I don't like to see him lose--it happens and that is OK. That is a part of life. Losing can help you become a better winner. Losing can give you the desire to work harder--to practice more. Losing give you a chance to reflect on what you can and could have done differently. While i am not a fan of losing--(who really is?) it is OK as long as he did his best. I think that is why i love this sport (I know i am in the minority here) It is as much mental as it is physical. Someone will always be better than you--but on any given day things can change. Each time they get on the mat they are really wrestling against themselves. I have seen wins that i am not proud of and i have seen losses that make me beam with pride--it is all about the attitude. So if you see me from the back side and notice that my behind is bigger--just blame it on the many hours in the bleachers---We fondly refer to this as "Bleacher Butt". Oh the things you sacrifice to support your children.....
(WARNING: Object in the picture may appear
than it actually is!!!--it the illusion with the plaid!)
Remind me not to let my husband have my camera
EVER again
maybe i shouldn't have had that extra scoop of potatoes
Leaving us all very full and satisfied...
knowing it will be another year until we will have it again.
Gotta love tradition---
did i mention the yummy rolls also?
And what about the pumpkin bars
or cranberry bars--
man i love our Thanksgiving alternatives....
He makes a perfect grilled cheese--
perfectly golden brown
with just the right amount of butter
and then the cheese
--perfectly melted
Can i just say this was theeeee best grilled cheese
i have ever had.
Maybe the fact that i was served it in bed
made it even better.
Maybe because it was made with LOVE--
maybe because it was my "BIG" birthday
Or maybe because i LOVE this kid
that made it the tastiest....
Whatever the case--it was a great--
maybe he should now work on mastering the
This is the picture of the spillage out into
my once clean dining room....
At least now you can see the floor into the office
and i have a few surfaces clean--
(these had to be cleaned off to be moved tomorrow)
I got my shelves up--
they only minorly frustrated me-
How much fun it has been having a place to put things.
I figured out what my problem is--
I have enough to stock a small store--
in something the size of a storeroom--
kinda like squeezing those extra 10 pounds into jeans that are too small--
everything just kinda spills out where it can
And lest i think I was actually getting ahead--
A leak developed in the laundry room
(origin yet to be determined)
and so the room which had be clean,neat and orderly up this point
is now NOT!
Just one more thing to put back on the list....
You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines,
whimpering and complaining.
You make progress by implementing ideas.
Shirley Hufsteddler quotes
I know i am making progress-
it is just that sometimes it is hard to see
the forest through the trees .
It would be difficult for me to express all my thoughts about it. It remains a constant disappointment to me that my drawings are not yet what I want them to be. The difficulties are indeed numerous and great, and cannot be overcome immediately. Making progress is like miners' work: it doesn't advance as quickly as one should like, and also as others expect; but faced with such a task, patience and faithfulness are essential. In fact, I don't think much about the difficulties, because if one thought of them too much, one would get dazed or confused.
Vincent Van Gogh quotes
We are a household that loves food.
We LOVE all kinds of food--
and sometimes we forget
that not everyone is like that--
----like us.
Tonight my oldest was invited to a friends house for dinner
and being the dutiful mom
I reminded her to use her manners
ask if they need help
and to eat anything that was placed before her.
She laughed at that last statement
and responded that she wouldn't have any problems
because the friend she was eating with WAS picky.
We have always had the two bite rule in our home--
try it---you might like it.
And the forever favorite statement is
"you get what you get--and you don't throw a fit"
“Food is a subject of conversation
more spiritually refreshing even than the weather,
for the number of possible remarks about the weather is limited,
whereas of food you can talk on and on and on.
Moreover, no heat of controversy is induced
by mention of the atmospheric conditions
(seeing that we are all agreed
as to what is a good day and what is a bad one)
and where there can be no controversy
there can be no intimacy in agreement.
But tastes in food differ so sharply…
that a pronounced agreement in them
is of all bonds a union the most intimate.
Thus, if a man hates tapioca pudding
he is a good fellow and my friend."
A. A. Milne, ‘Lunch’ (1934)
I have learned that taste buds change
(except where eggplant is concerned)
and the way things are prepared makes a HUGE difference
(ie: brussell sprouts)
in your ability to like something.
I also feel that having an open mind makes a big difference
in your ability to like something.
As Americans we are rather finicky eaters
compared to the rest of the world--
we leave many "parts" of the animal untouched--
(and I am OK with that--since i live here---
if i was in a foreign country i would try to do as they do)
i hope that i have/am preparing my children
to be open to other cultures/food
for when they serve their missions
or eat in others homes.
I spoke with the daughter after she got home
inquiring on the evening--
they had pot roast--easy enough to like--
but she said her friend did not like gravy--
who doesn't like gravy?
Isn't gravy like a food group of its own?
They discussed the fact about his pickiness--
and she told him that he wouldn't want to eat at our house--
because her parents don't like picky eaters--
(a whole lot of truth to that statement)
I don't know what we would do
if any of my children ended up with a picky eater--
it would be a major travesty--
I would wonder where we had gone wrong in their upbringing-
it would make me question my roll as a mother and if i had failed....
liking food is right up there with....
1.being faithful in the gospel
2.treats my child well-
3.adores my child
4.able to provide support for their spouse
5.has ambition
7.plays and is competitive at "Settlers"
Can you really trust someone who won't eat your cooking?
Or be willing to try something new.....
(up to this point we have yet to poison anyone...)
I can only hope that as my children start into the courtship stage of their lives
that they will take this to heart.
can look beautiful,
taste exquisite,
smell wonderful,
make people feel good,
bring them together,
inspire romantic feelings....
At its most basic,
it is fuel for a hungry machine;..."
Rosamond Richardson, English cookery author
For today I am concentrating
on those important things you can't see.....
Pure and trusting. You are a gentle soul who can get along with just about anyone. Everyone you meet instantly falls in love with you. How can they resist? You have a pure, lovable nature that's irresistable. Just don't trust everyone who comes across your path.