Saturday, July 26, 2008

Be prepared, be for warned

Sweet technology i have missed you!!!!
I never thought i would get to the point in my life
where i became dependent on the computer.
I have missed not being in touch with my life
and those of my friends.
Did you all survive without me?
Was I missed?
I knew i wouldn't have time to blog
while i was in Chicago--
I was prepared for that fact.
But i must say being without the Internet
while in Utah made me a tad crazy.
I felt so out of it.
So, with that being said,
I am going to warn you.
I have some catching up to do.
My goal is to have 365 entries for the year,
and i am a bit behind.
I have had adventures that need to be documented.
My brain has been muddled with many BLOG thoughts.
I know that they won't all get posted,
but i will try.
Have i mentioned
that i have hundreds of pictures to download as well?
So i apologize if i give you BLOG overload.
Feel free to skim,
or not read at all.
After all--
i really am doing this for me,
and my family.
Someday they will appreciate it .
i am off to catch up on your lives--
so the real question is
What adventures did i miss?

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Glad you are back,--I missed you. We will have to catch up--wait I have nothing to report so I just need to hear of all your adventures:)