Monday, March 3, 2008

Little things

Great day--so beautiful outside. I even had the backdoor open for awhile. I took Alex to McDonald's today for speech--we have been working with him going through the play structure. It is sad to say that we have to work at encouraging him to go through the bacteria infested stinky play place--but we do, and he finally is. For the longest time he would cry and complain and finally we had him going through the small one by our house without complaining--so we moved on to a bigger and taller place. He did it several times today with us following behind him. Talk about making me feel old. He is becoming so verbal--I just wish i could understand what he is so desperately trying to tell me. On the way home from school he kept clapping his hands and yelling YEAH--not sure why he was so excited but he was.
When all the kids were home from school i took turns hugging each of them and Alex just felt that he had to be in the middle of who ever i was hugging. He knows that he is the center of attention--what a sweetie. Even with all his "issues" i am so thankful that he is healthy! I know things could be so much harder, and i am grateful that it is a trial that i have not had to bear. The trials that we are given.....i think at times all we have to do is look around and see things that others are muddling through to appreciate the challenges that we have been given. I guess the lord gives us what he knows we can handle even when we think we can't. Well maybe not the teenagers because many that i have talked to as of late are dealing with "Drama"--No desire to return to that stage in my life--but that too shall pass. We just need to appreciate those small things--that can make the big things manageable.

''eNjoY the {little} things,

for one daY you maY look back

and reaLize they were the {big} things."

thanks for the quote connie